Sunday, January 26, 2025 06:15

Old age without youth and death without life

Today is a name day on the plains with ladybugs where i once used to hop. My blog is today 4 years old! Hurraaaaah! The only problem is we don’t have much to celebrate lately, and it more and more feels like walking on foreign fields. But…!

I was sitting and thinking a few days ago that it would be very nice if this life would be a bit ironic rather than morbid, and would have reversed the ends of our lives, even if it wouldn’t be nice to be born old and die young (wonder, would people mourn their old age instead of their youth, under these circumstances?). But it would have been at least interesting to had been born with the mentality, wisdom (debatable, I know!) and emotional experience of elders, to later die with the innocence, naivety and ignorance of children. Death would be as inexorable, but would quality of life be different? Would we still live with the same completely wrong concept that we are eternal, that we can have vices, that we can mock the package a little, that we can debauch without caring about the consequences, because – is it not? – the end is so far and, oh, so obscure!, why would we stumble in such ideas when youth and collagen still stretch our cheek? To be born responsible and to die semi-idiot, struggling to learn (unlearn?) to talk… Serious kids, contemplating questions of the Universe, mathematics and philosophy; playful elders, laughing white and innocent, with the shovel in the sand.

Last year I wrote this. If I had not done it then, I would have certainly done it now. For no other reason, but when the elders die of old age and children are born young, you come across cunning(s) at all… step. Good luck to you, and you, and YOU. I walked away because my place was no longer next to you. You’ve walked away, because your place was never near me. Adieu!

I bought today a madlen with a candle for the blog. I have not yet make  wish, but I sit and I wonder if this is birthday or commemoration…



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