Tuesday, February 11, 2025 04:48

Posts Tagged ‘scraps of thoughts’

Old age without youth and death without life

Friday, February 5th, 2016

Today is a name day on the plains with ladybugs where i once used to hop. My blog is today 4 years old! Hurraaaaah! The only problem is we don’t have much to celebrate lately, and it more and more feels like walking on foreign fields. … [...]

Half poison, half goddess

Monday, August 24th, 2015

Sir, whoever you are, save me! Deliver me from this person!
-A person so wonderful?
-A Demon, sir!… You say she is a beautiful creature … Rather, this person, for you will be henceforth a feared enemy… If you’ll meet her again , flee… If your fate will ever bring you around her, do not accept anything that will give you…
Fear the glass of water that you she will offer, the fruit of which she will bite half and give you the other half, or the jewel that she would offer you, asking you to accept it!… [...]

Pills of August

Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

I missed my pills! Not the colorful sort that is to be taken out by the fist, for all sorts of illnesses that granny suffers of, but the kind that are downright and downleft wonderful for the trembling of the soul and shriveling of the skin.… [...]

I liked bugs…

Thursday, August 20th, 2015
  • Raw. Yeah, yeah, raw. And not any bugs, but only the juicy ones. My grandmother kept asking herself why was I coming from the garden with my beak yellow. It’s not my fault that Colorado beetles have those beautiful stripes on their backs… I actually wanted to save the potato culture ecologically, without DDT.