Tuesday, February 11, 2025 04:53

Posts Tagged ‘youth without old age’

I will hug you as much as you want, and a second more!

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Good morning! I brought you flowers. Will you offer me a cup of coffee with saucer and  hug?

Brrr! So cold!

No, not in your arms. The coffee without soul and hugging is sad and bitter. You poured coffee in two cups.… [...]

Old age without youth and death without life

Friday, February 5th, 2016

Today is a name day on the plains with ladybugs where i once used to hop. My blog is today 4 years old! Hurraaaaah! The only problem is we don’t have much to celebrate lately, and it more and more feels like walking on foreign fields. … [...]


Friday, August 14th, 2015

For this morning’s coffee, and even for my readers :)), me searched, me found, me admired and drooled, me – because it’s nice – shared a WON-DER with paws! It even has eyes!

I confess, even to confession if necessary, I melted and drained completely.… [...]

O tempora! O mores!

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

Because today I don’t feel too brisk, I thought I should remember a part of the memorable parts of my life so far. Today I decided to write about some of the less flattering stances in which I have been, not the other, but if no one likes to describe themselves in embarrassing situations, Fiat Lux!,… [...]