There are in this fabulous, confusing and mixed in its diversity world, people with flashes of originality. Hence, today I will talk about such a little man. Those who ever reach the city of Timisoara, I give you a tip. It’s a must, MUST, to go and visit the tearoom Scart Loc Lejer (approximate translation: Squeak Loose Place).… [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Timisoara’
Scârț loc lejer
Saturday, March 8th, 2014Timișoara
Thursday, March 6th, 2014I’m writing from this cruel train that takes me back to a Bucharest suddenly become unbearable and very, very obnoxious! I always wondered how trains can be loved when you go to places dear, familiar, forgotten, long dreamed, and how they can suddenly become abominable when you go away from loved ones or loved places.… [...]