I’m writing from this cruel train that takes me back to a Bucharest suddenly become unbearable and very, very obnoxious! I always wondered how trains can be loved when you go to places dear, familiar, forgotten, long dreamed, and how they can suddenly become abominable when you go away from loved ones or loved places. Just as I always wondered about this weirdy and sulky little time, full of humor and whims; and now, how about you answer for your bad moods and tell me, mister, why you move so sloooooow, like an old snail dragging his walking stick, in the nasty moments? And why do you rush like a carousel out of control, exactly when you feel more happy? Strange law you invented, mister Einstein, with that relativity of yours! Just like the other guy with the apple, who gave the law that you’re no longer allowed to fly carelessly, gravitation he said.. stupid law, if you ask me, but let’s return to our trains. I never was in Timisoara until now, although I had heard it was a beautiful city. Of martyrs and revolutionary people (romanian revolution of 1989 that overthrew the communist regime begun in Timisoara – n.n.). Lucky with these unknown paths (non-steel) of the Lord. They take you where not even your thoughts ever took you. I am head over heels in love with a dwarf and adorable Transylvanian girl from Timisoara, not so revolutionary in her own way… Strange this Internet how is “connecting people”! “You needed a friend from Braila, you found no other friend, who is not from a thousand kilometers away!” That was her mother’s comment. Well, say “merci” that i’m still from the old continent, Auntie! ;-) Yeah, I’ve became a Transylvanian myself for about four days, mon cher! Gee, long life to that guy who founded this Timisoara, really nice town, hats off, nothing to say! Clean, tidy and with neat artistic spirit. Should i mention the bunch of older than a century buildings that dot the entire city? End of the line, I felt enchanted in my Gothic heart! I’d live in a city like this!
These days I walked, I admired, I got excited, I left myself embraced, and other activities of floating on a cloud. Obviously, the days when you are excited pass like smoke… And you wake up, no matter how much you try to don’t, in that morning with knots in the throat, when you know you have to go. To come back down to earth and leave. I do not like long goodbyes, teary, that leave you exhausted and pass blades through your soul. I prefer the blades to hit short, haaarsh!, and done. Make it sharp, make it quick, make it fast.
My day today, with knots in the throat, has turned into a very happy day of my life. And how can you not topple the saddest day EVER, when asked with all ease, surprise and condescension: “Excuse me… you want to be my best friend?”. Wait! Say WHAT ?! Rewind a bit.. stop! Play again! “Excuse me… you want to be my best friend?”
Onomatopoeia and pre-liguistic sounds come out next, enlarged pupils, fingers shivering and all, plus blurred mind, bonus. For the same reason of blurred mind, I don’t remember what answer I mumbled. The fact is that now I flinched, surprised of the fact of involuntarily playing with the half of the heart in my palm!
Tags: games with people, love, Timisoara