In black she is dressed,
With veiled crape down to the ground,
And sad and knelt
On the edge of a tomb…
Thou, to whom a nation bowed
And sat before Thee silent, bent,
Oh, my glorious beloved Queen,
To whom Thou knelt before Thy knee?… [...]
In black she is dressed,
With veiled crape down to the ground,
And sad and knelt
On the edge of a tomb…
Thou, to whom a nation bowed
And sat before Thee silent, bent,
Oh, my glorious beloved Queen,
To whom Thou knelt before Thy knee?… [...]
In the beginning was the end.
-Are you all right, my Lady?
-I am dead, Sir…
I walked today in the cemetery, I like to sit on a corner of marble, to read the names and dates, to dream before the faded medallion depicting a young soldier fallen on the battlefield, the beautiful Daniela dead at birth or the baby in laces.… [...]
There are kinds of people who can sleep just fine when they do something wrong, evil, immoral. There are people who do not care if the mistake inevitably results in material damage or havoc soul, who can keep a smile on their lips when the others discover the damage they have done intentionally or unintentionally, or, worse, when the injured ones require an explanation no matter how small for the dagger stuck and twisted.… [...]